October minutes 2019










Present: Messrs:  R Dinsdale, J Denniss, R Stimson, P Probets, P Kerr, I Johnston,

                            S Legg and Mrs R Fox


Apologies: District Councillor Strange



Two members of the public present


The members of the public present were from the group who had objections to the Planning Permission from Egdon and their application for the change of Conditions.


It was reported that a letter from the Parish Council had been sent to LCC Planning asking questions about the route/s Egdon may use should they start work prior to the completion of the Anglian Water sewerage works taking place until the 20 January 2020.  Would Egdon be in breech of Conditions should they use a route through Brigg or up to Nettleton onto the A46 and would LCC challenge this.  If Egdon were to request a change in Conditions for the route would they be given permission and also would an extension of time be given due to the works.


LCC had confirmed it is understood that Egdon would not commence work until after works had been completed and were to issue a statement confirming when work would commence.


A copy of the correspondence to be sent to the resident who is the leader of the group.                                                                                                                   1JS


It has been said that Anglian Water may complete the works on the road by the 20 December 2019 and totally be finished by 20 January 2020.


The Minutes of 2 September 2019 were read, agreed and signed by the Chairman as a true record.


Clerks Report


A copy of the Anglian Water road closures and details of their website had been sent to the Moortown resident who was the leader of the group who were against the Egdon planning applications for the exploration of oil on Smithfield Road Moortown.


Any further details received would also be forwarded.


There had not been the courtesy of any response from Mike Reed, Ben Attridge or Robin Gill at LCC Highways relating to an email regarding Highways problems.  The first being the slate on the frontage of Washcroft House Kelsey Road Moortown where there had been a confirmation that the residents would remove the slate and replace with grass on the frontage of the property.


The second email sent to the above about the state of Thornton Road South Kelsey which is a patchwork quilt of repairs and in a disgusting state was received with an acknowledgement only.    It is understood that the highway is inspected every 3 months and recently this had been carried out the road deemed to be safe.


It had been reported that the amount of traffic using the road to get to Market Rasen had increased due to the closure of the road through Holton Le Moor.


DC Strange also a County Councillor, but not for this area, had details of the Highways problems forwarded and was to meet with Mike Reed of Highways to discuss outstanding work and hoped this would have helped South Kelsey.


Two other problems were mentioned – the tree at the rear of the bus shelter in Moortown was growing through roof of a farmers building.  LCC Highways had reported back that no work was to be undertaken on this and the report was closed.


The second is the white railing on Station Road Moortown which is broken. These help to guide the motorists away from the steep drop and the side of the road.  A job had been raised in November 2018 and still no work had been carried out.


The Parish Council will continue to chase for Highways work to be carried out in both villages.


As the Parish Council had received no response from Highways the Councillors discussed the next step to take this forward.  It was proposed, seconded and carried that a letter regarding Washcroft House be sent to CC Davies in the hope he may actually instigate the removal of the slate.                                                             2JS                         



At a recent meeting with DC Strange at the Anglian Water office at Moortown and which Highways Officers were present it was requested for the roads from the A46 through Osgodby, North Owersby and Thornton le Moor to South Kelsey to be gritted in the winter months.  This was turned down and told the designated diversion route should be used through Moortown and Nettleton up to the A46.  Motorists will still use the road up Thornton Road as it is nearer so it was requested that signs be placed on the roads to state the roads were not gritted.


Another email had been sent to the residents using the playing field to land a helicopter to bring the bride to church.  They had kindly agreed to a donation and this was paid directly into the bank account.


The Clerk had sent a thank you letter for the donation on behalf of the Parish Council.


The website meeting had been postponed and the Parish Council was now waiting for another date to be set.




A J Williams Invoice - £127.09

A J Williams Invoice - £130.00

A J Williams - £10.00

Mrs J Stimson Clerk Invoice - £265.22

Mrs J Stimson Expenses - £13.64

SKVH Invoice - £13.00

HMRC - £66.40


Donation - £100


The Clerk advised the Parish Council of the new pay rates from NALC for 2019 – 2020 and requested if an increase could be had.  The Rates go up in Spinal Column Points (SCP).  


Parish Councillor  Stimson declared an interest and did not take part in the discussion or vote.


The Parish Council discussed the increase on the year or if to award the one above.


It was proposed, seconded and carried that an increase to the SCP - £11.91 the one above be awarded for the year.







Piggery Appeal


There has been no further update regarding the appeal at the piggery.


The dwelling is almost complete on the site and this will be a residence just for the Manager and his girlfriend.


Other works are also taking place thought to possible for the slurry pit.


Dears Leep Properties had applied for the Conditions on the Church Farm development to be given Permission.  These had been apart from the landscaping which was to be completed prior to the occupation of any dwelling.


Rose Cottage Station Road Moortown – Planning Permission for an extension to form a new living room and to rebuild the porch.


North View Brigg Road South Kelsey – Planning Permission for 2 dwellings with the original dwelling to own the nature area where there are great crested newts and carry out the upkeep.


Orchard House North End Lane South Kelsey – Planning Permission to remove existing cottage and replace with a 3 bedroomed detached house.


Land on North End Lane South Kelsey – Outline Planning Application for 2 dwellings


The Parish Council believed the plot to be too small for two dwellings and there was insufficient room for vehicle parking and turnaround.


A letter to be sent to WLDC Planning with the Parish Council objections.



Oak View Station Road Moortown had submitted amendments to their application.

The Parish Council had no problems with these and a letter had been sent to WLDC Planning advising such.






Wicksteed Leisure – reminder for the playground inspection


Plantscape – details on planters for the area


LALC News – including an Independent Policy review into the Local

                         Government Audit Consultation


Westminster Briefing – Rethinking Local Government Service Provision


CPRE - Conference on Affordable Housing


Tree Charter - information and forms to enable the Parish Council to join

                        the network            


East Midlands Future Airspace Programme – review of airspace


CC Davies – recommendations for Highways 2020 contracts


Church Treasurer – confirming the bramble in the church yard would be cut back


Land Registry – webinar on - How to complete the prescribes clauses lease

                                                What evidence you must supply with your application

                                                How to avoid common errors


LCC Executive Decision Notice – A46 Usselby and Faldingworth Primary Route

                                                        Network – resurfacing scheme approved




Lincolnshire Funding Portal – survey as to how useful the information had been


LCC – Adoption of the LCC Statement pf Community Involvement (SCI) 2019

           Outlines how the CC will engage with the public and stakeholders when

           producing planning policy documents associated with LCC Minerals and

          Waste Local Plan.  Also when the public have their say on Planning

          Applications dealt with by LCC


WLDC – Supply of free copy of the Register of Electors


Agricicycle – details on how they turn wheelie bins into benches


WLDC - Loan Sharks and how to protect yourselves from them


LALC News – including Use of Councillor’s Personal Email Accounts


Waste Services – confirmation the bin at Moortown will be emptied ASAP

Clerk & Council Direct




Resident -reference the donation, and on its receipt a thank you letter had been

                sent from the Parish Council


Church Warden – reference the overgrown bramble on the rhs in the church yard.

                              A resident had reported this to the Parish Council.


District Councillor Strange – a list of the Highways problems in both villages


Waste collections – to advise a bin at Moortown had not been emptied as advised by

                                a resident to a Councillor


Resident – thank you for the donation


Matters Arising 


The Parish Council agreed the yearly playground inspection and the forms to be completed and returned.                                                                                           4JS


The Parish Council agreed to join the Tree Charter and promote trees and the forms were to be completed and returned.                                                                           5JS


The new contract for April 2020 Highways work have been awarded to the Balfour Beatty Group for the main work, including potholes, winter maintenance, signs, road markings and grass cutting.


Colas Limited is carrying out the traffic signal contract work and WSP UK Limited for the professional design service.


The resurfacing of the A46 Faldingworth road will take place from the 11 November for 3 weeks with closure 7.30am – 18.00 but will open fro 15 minutes morning and evening for the children walking to school.


The A46 at Usselby will have works from 21 October to 18 November 2019.


LALC News had been forwarded to the Parish Councillors on the 13 September 2019. In the News were detail of grants available for churches and the information had been forwarded to the Church Warden and the Treasurer.


 The Lincolnshire Funding Portal survey asked if the site had helped the Parish Council identify funding opportunity and had any funding been applied for, the answer to both these was – No.


The Parish will request a free copy of the Revised Register of Electors in the electronic format.  This cannot be copied or supplied to any other person with no disclosure of any elector marked with a Z.  The information is for establishing if any person is entitled to attend and participate in a meeting of or take any action on behalf of the Parish.                                                                                                              6JS


Parish Councillor’s private email addresses for use of Parish Council information could come under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.  The only details sent to Parish Councillors are what could be seen by everyone.



At the time the resident reported the bin at Moortown had not been emptied it was also mentioned that the Millennium sign base was in need of repair, one of the barrels had lost a hoop and the trees around the sign needed cutting back.  Parish Councillor Legg stated he would carry out the work on the sign and cut back the trees.  The Parish Council was aware that Highways would not cut back the trees on their patch as the Parish Council had been waiting 12 months for others to be done.


Playing field


The grants for the playing field are still being considered.




A new date to access the website is still awaited.


The meeting for the discussion of the new website would have to be postponed due to some Councillors being unable to attend.  The meeting to be re arranged.           7JS


There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.22pm the next meeting will be held on 4 November 2019 at 7.30pm, in South Kelsey Village Hall.