Meeting Agenda - 6 November 2023
Meeting to be held on Monday, 6th November 2023 at 7.00pm
South Kelsey Village Hall
Public Forum
- Open Meeting – 15 minute public forum
- Reports from District and County Councillors
Council Meeting
- Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given
- Declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
- Minutes:
- Approve the minutes of the Parish Council held on 2 October 2023, whereby they be signed by the Chair as true and accurate record of the meeting.
- Clerk’s report on matters outstanding and correspondence
- Policies for review, approval and adoption, with any necessary amends: -
- Appraisal and Training Policy (employees)
- Planning (discuss adding delegated authority for no-meeting-months)
- Finance summary and accounts for payment.
- Invoices:
- South Kelsey Village Hall invoice - TBC
- Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils, Neighbourhood Planning Training. Cllrs C & A Niven - £50
- Information Commission’s Officer - Yearly subscription £40 - Authorise Direct Debit.
- Contractural:
- Clerk’s wages & Expenses, October 2023 - TBC
- AJ Williams grass cutting, October 2023 - TBC.
- Draft budget - 2024/25 Precept Requirements
- Review budget. Recommendations and amendments.
- Clerk’s holiday pay and overtime - budget impact (line 5).
- Three year plan. Review and amendments
- Other Financial Matters
- Update on switch from Lloyds to Unity. Resolve final transfer.
- Park Charity - account info update - Park Charity Grants - confirm arrangements to discuss with Cllr Knight (Keelby PC).
- Laptop ownership and payment - discuss
- Invoices:
- Personnel Committee - Elect new Chair & discuss recommendations from handover
- Planning:
- 147486 - received 31 October 2023. Watermill Leisure Park (open-air swimming). For discussion.
- 2024 Meeting Dates / Website
- Review new dates - for approval
- Discuss minutes/agenda on website
- Community Speed Watch
- Speed Radar update
- Speed Limits Signage update
- Dog Fouling - bag dispenser
- Items for the Agenda of meeting on 4 December 2023