January 2021 Minutes
SKPC updates January 2021
This was a sad time for the Parish Council as one of its Councillors – Peter Kerr, had died. Peter and his late wife – Pam had done a great deal for the village both at the village hall and the Parish Council. The Parish Council advised the village hall committee of Peter’s death and sent a letter of condolence to the family.
No invoices for payment
Planning Application – erection of two dwellings land west of North End Cottage North End Lane
The Parish Council responded that an application for 2 dwellings on the site had already been turned down by the Parish Council and by West Lindsey Planning. The original application for one dwelling was agreed by the Parish Council and by WLDC.
The Parish Council had been pressurised by the Agent to accept the new application for 2 dwellings.
The Agent had sent a sketched drawing of the plans prior to submission of the Application and the Parish Council would not commit until the actual site Application was received.
The Agent had said that the pre application consultation had not been considered and the Parish Council did not understand the Policy that relates to the Parish. The Parish Council was most offended by the comments from the Agent.
The Application is for two 4 bed roomed dwellings on the site which the Parish Council believe to be too small. Potentially there could be 5 vehicles per property and insufficient parking space. The lane is too narrow for roadside parking and farmers need to be able to have access with large vehicles to carry out their work.
The lane drainage is very suspect with flooded dykes and fields and also the road.
Hall Farm Park Appeal for an Agricultural dwelling
The Parish Council reported to the Planning Inspectorate giving full support of the application for the dwelling.
Regional Training Agency – Mental Health Course
Government Events – Using Social media effectively
NALC - Covid update
Forum Training – Safeguarding children in Charities
LALC – help in setting up new websites
LALC – Details on fake NHS Covid vaccinations
NALC – Chief Executive’s Bulletin
WLDC – Notice of Meetings
LCC Highways – details of the road closure to repair the land slip at Moortown
NALC – open letter to all Councillors from the NALC Chief
Forum Training – Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
LALC – Survey to Councillors and staff
Insight – Transforming Contact Centres Digital works
Lincolnshire Police – Safer together team
Glasdon – outdoor recycling units
Broxap – best litter bins
Power for the People – support for the local Electricity bill
Fire and Rescue – check emergency plan before the oncoming storm
Community Lincs/YMCA – News and updates
NALC – Chief Executive’s Bulletin re Storm Christopher
Notice Board Company – information on notice boards
NALC – Covid updates
Government Events – Phishing awareness
Website – new contact
Live and local – Community Arts
Town and Parish Newsletter
Clerks & Councils Direct
Lloyds Bank – closure of the Market Rasen branch
LCC Highways – notice of bank slip road closure at Moortown
SKVH – requesting a copy of the Emergency Plan
Police – to check when speed checks would be taking place
Fix My Street – Pines farm
The NALC Coved update had been forwarded to the Parish Councillors
The NALC Chief Executive’s Bulletin had been forwarded to the Parish Councillors
The road closure notices for Station Road Moortown for the repair of the land slip would be put out nearer the date in March
The open letter to all Councillors from the NALC Chief had been forwarded to the Parish Councillors
The LALC survey had been forwarded to the Parish Councillors for each to complete. The Clerk had completed one for return
The Fire and Rescue details were forwarded to the Parish Councillors. The village hall is the evacuation point and it was believed that the Committee also had an Emergency Plan in place. In checking this was found not to be the case. The Parish Council will look into preparing one.
The NALC Chief Executive’s bulletin on Storm Christopher had been forwarded to the Parish Councillors
The NALC Covid updates were sent to the Parish Councillors
The Police were at present concentrating on rural crime and it is hoped then if this has reduced when the next 3 month review is held that the Inspector will let speeding be one of their priorities.
The notice for the bank slip at Moortown would be put on the notice boards a little nearer the date for the work to commence.
It had been reported that the area around The Pines on Station Road Moortown was very muddy due to loading. Highways call centre had been contacted and it was advised this would be cleared swiftly due to it being a hazard on the road.
The Parish Council had been unable to access the new website and its developer moved away and was unable to be contacted. The Parish Council previously had a site hosted by LCC and agreed to request a new one be set up by them. There was a gentleman who was helping many Councils set up a site and he was contacted. First LCC setup the basics of the site and the Parish Council agreed for the gentleman to have access. He transferred many of the documents across from the old site and the Parish Council was waiting for the next step.
Notices had been displayed requesting quotes for the 2021 for grass cutting and grounds person.
No invoices for payment
The charity end of year return for the playing field had been completed on line. An email was also sent to the Charity Commission advising why the accounts were at zero. This is due to the charity having no funds and all work, product and insurance had to be found by the Parish Council.
Planning application for a dropped kerb – 2 Riverside Moortown
The Parish Council had no objections to the application and a letter was sent to WLDC Planning advising of this.
Piggery Brandy Wharf – application for another pig fattening unit
Application was refused with one of the reasons being the disgusting smell of slurry at both Holmehill Farm and the Farm House.
The Parish Council has complained about the smell of the slurry since the units were first built and also the disrespect taken when spreading despite there being a Management Plan to control this.
Planning Application for two dwellings – Church Farm South Kelsey
Parish Council was in support but WLDC refused due to one reason being of the number exceeding the total increase for the village.
Planning Application for a 5 bed roomed “bungalow” over three levels.
The Parish Council was against the application due to its size for the plot, insufficient parking, meaning the lane would be used for vehicles. It is too narrow and used by farm traffic and gives insufficient space. Drainage was also a concern with the lane and surrounding area flooding regularly
Conference insight – Transforming Contact Centres Conference
NALC – Rebuilding Communities
Conference insight – Safeguarding adults – Mental capacity Implementation
NALC - Coved 19 update
LALC – Training scheme 2021-2022
Forum training – Mental Health in the Workplace First Aider
Chief Executive’s bulletin
LALC E - News
Power for People – ability to purchase electricity locally
Notice Board Company – Maintenance free wood effect notice boards
BHIB Councils Insurance – Free resources for year end accounts
Lincolnshire Churches
Forum training – Mindfulness in Practice Course
WLDC- re locum District Councillor
St Andrew’s Hospice – local community event
NALC – Chief executives bulletin
Glasdon – rubbish bin information
Freshair Fitness – equipment information
Primary Care – IVD Lateral Flow test kit
NALC – Covid 19 updates
Waste recycling centres – new update
NALC – Star Council Awards
Land Registry Newsletter
Notice Board Company information
YMCA/Community Lincs bulletin
NALC – Chief Executive’s bulletin
WLDC – broken street sign at Moortown crossroads for Holton le Moor Road
requesting replacement
The LALC E-News was sent to all the Parish Councillors
All four street signs were replaced at Moortown crossroads. However only a few days after they were replaced the one for Holton le Moor was knocked down by a car. WLDC are to replace once more.
The NALC Chief Executive’s bulletin was sent to the Parish Councillors
The LALC E – News was sent to the Parish Councillors
The Power for the People information had been sent to the Parish Councillors
The Lincolnshire Churches poster was put on the notice boards
The locum District Councillor was not supporting the Parish Council in any way. DC Paul Howitt Cowan had been sent emails regarding certain Highways problems and despite three reminders being sent – no response. The locum was unable to confirm if the Councillor Initiative form had been received. An email was sent to WLDC Chairman and Gainsborough Conservatives where he was deputy at each complaining about his lack of interest in the Parish.
The Chairman at WLDC answered the email and has continued to help since
The Parish Council learnt that DC Howitt Cowan is no longer in either post as had been dismissed due to problems with a planning application in Hewswell Parish.
The Parish Council is looking to May when hopefully a District Councillor and County Councillor could be elected for the Parish.
The NALC Chief Executive’s bulletin was sent to the Parish Councillors
The LALC E News was sent to the Parish Councillors
The LCC waste site information was put on the notice boards
The NALC Chief Executive’s bulleting was forwarded to the Parish Council. This included details of how to hold meetings.
Anglian Water Invoice - £11.97
LIVES – donation in memory of Pete Kerr Parish Council - £100
Mrs J Stimson Clerk Invoice - £762.20 January, February and March
Mrs J Stimson Expenses Invoice - £16.03
HMRC - £190.60
All agreed for payment
North End Lane South Kelsey
An application for a “bungalow” having 3 floors was felt to be too large for the site on North End Lane. The lane is narrow and there is insufficient room for parking all the vehicles on the site and therefore will park on the road which farm vehicles require a way through each day. Drainage will also be a problem.
The Parish Council had written to WLDC giving the above objection, but the application was given permission.
2 Riverhead Moortown – application for a dropped curb.
The Parish Council had no objections to this and WLDC granted permission.
North End Lane west of North End Cottage – application for 2 detached houses with garages
The Parish Council felt the site was far too small for the size of the properties and had advised WLDC of its objections
WLDC refused planning permission.
Hall Farm Park Appeal – agricultural workers dwelling – appeal had been won.
The Parish Council had fully supported the application from the beginning. It had been concerned as to why WLDC had turned down the application especially as permission had been given to other agricultural workers dwelling which were much larger and in site of the road.
As the Parish Council was considering putting up another notice board, WLDC Planning had been contacted for further details on the regulations. A booklet on the details had been sent through.
Clerk & Councils Direct
LCC – bus changes – details on the net
LCC Highways – Station Road Moortown closure for repair of the bank slip
WLDC- notice to display for the vacancy on the Parish Council
LALC – guidance on meetings to be held from May 2021
Fix my street – report of potholes from the bend near Toll Bar Farm until after the farm
These had been repaired
Fix my street – report of 2 potholes opposite each other on Waddingham Road out
of the village towards Brandy Wharf. These had been reported as job
completed but had not been. LCC contacted and second job raised
which is now complete
WLDC – Election notices for County and District Councillor and Police Commissioner
NALC – Covid 19 updates
NALC – How are local councils vital to community recovery
LALC update
Waddingham Clerk – Brandy Wharf
Energywise Coffee Morning
NALC - Chief Executive’s bulletin
NALC guide to cyber security
Mental Health in the Workplace
Funded team – grants available but none for play equipment
Early years timetable
Government Events – Data handling in the Public Sector
Groundwork – Spring newsletter
NALC - Online events calendar for 2020
Broxap – litter bin details
LCC Highways – road closure Holton le Moor to A46
Power for the People – backed by 250 MPs
WLDC Parish News
LIVES - training
NALC – Chief executive’s bulletin
Resident – still many more emails were being received regarding the fly tipping in Deal
Beck Drain Brigg Road South Kelsey and the supposed illegal us of a quad
bike on the highway
YMCA/Community Lincs News
WLDC – advising of the death of a Parish Councillor and that the funeral had taken
Environment Agency – Recovery Works within the Ancholme Valley
SKVH – request for a copy of the Risk Assessment
WLDC – dog bin at the crossroads in South Kelsey has no lid and in need of tlc
The details for the closure for Station Road Moortown will be displayed nearer the date
The Election notices were placed on both notice boards
The LALC update had been forwarded to the Parish Councillors
The Ancholme recovery works consisted of some making banks and paths good, reducing flood risk having taken into account the rainfall in December 2020 and
January 2021
The Clerk at Waddingham Parish Council had also complained about the state of the road at Brandy Wharf and the two Parishes were working together to try and get some work carried out soon.
The LALC E News was forwarded to the Parish Councillors
The request for a copy of the SKVH risk assessment was to assure there would be safety for the Parish Council and visitors to be safe.
The LALC E News had been forwarded to the Parish Councillor and stating the Annual meeting may be held remotely
WLDC Simon Smoothey has responded about the dog bin and it would be repaired or replaced. Thank you Simon you are always able to be relied on you to get things done.
The NALC Chief executive’s bulletin had been forwarded to the Parish Councillors. It gave details on f2f meetings and the safety.
The many emails received from the resident were considered by the Parish Council but it was felt as this was a neighbourhood dispute it should not get involved. One email stated the Parish Council should prosecute the offended. However the Parish Council cannot become involved in a disagreement as the land etc is not owned by them.
The Authorities who are currently in contact with the resident should deal with the problems.
The LALC E News had been forwarded to the Parish Councillors
The LALC News had been forwarded to the Parish Councillors
The pathway near The Pines on Station Road had not been cleared completely so a `report was sent to LCC advising of this for them to arrange a clearance.