SKPC Minutes June2021
Present: Messrs: R Dinsdale, R Stimson, I Johnston, J Dennis, P Probets, S Legg
and Mrs R Fox
DC T Smith
CC P Morris
Members of the public
The meeting was held under Covid restrictions with seats being 2 metres apart, hand sanitizer for use on entry, signing in on entering and a one way system in place.
The leader of the group against the oil drilling on Smithfield Road Moortown thanked the Parish Council for sending a letter to Egdon advising they would not support any future requests for an extension of time for the site and copying them into it. A copy of the letter had also been sent to the Agent, Consultant, LCC and CC Smith, DC Morris.
It was asked if the Parish Council had received any details of future planning on the site, to which the answer was no.
The Clerk had been given Delegated Powers during the Covid lockdown and this was to be officially voted on. It was proposed. seconded, voted upon and carried that this should have been put in place.
The Minutes of the 3 February 2020 were read and signed by the Chairman as a true
The items on the Clerks report from the Minutes of February 2020 had been completed.
The Chairman welcomed CC Smith and DC Morris to the meeting and congratulated them on their appointments and asked if they wished to speak to the Parish Council.
DC Peter Morris advised he was new to the job and had not yet had a meeting at WLDC. He knew the Parish Council had commenced a Parish Plan and asked if it was to be continued. The Parish Council was disappointed as a group who were interested in carrying this through had one by one had not attended the meetings.
The Queens Jubilee in 2022 would give everyone an extra day of holiday.
CC Smith had previously spoken to the leader of the group against the Egdon applications.
The Parish Council brought up the problems with weeds in the gutters, potholes where some had been filled and others left.
As the area of road at Brandy Wharf had been investigated to find what was beneath the road the work would take some time to complete. The farmer would require access to fields on both sides of the river and hoped that this would be available. Should the road be completely closed it would mean a 20 mile round trip to reach the other side.
The pathway along Station Road Moortown had been reported on Fix my Street. No work had been carried out and it was impossible for pedestrians to walk along and is dangerous for them to walk on the road.
All Highways problems to be forwarded to CC Smith. 1JS
A J Williams – Grounds person Invoice - £181.06
A J Williams – Grass cutting Invoice - £ 159.60
Mrs J Stimson Clerk Invoice - £880.20
HMRC £72.00
Mrs J Stimson – Expenses Invoice -£47.29
All agreed for payment
Finance 1
The Chairman had previously read, agreed and signed the Statements prior to the meeting.
The Section 2 Accounting Statements 2020-2021 were read and signed by the Chairman.
Finance 2
The Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 2020-2021 was read and signed by the Chairman and Clerk.
Finance 3
The Certificate of Exemption had been signed and sent to the External Auditor.
The internal audit had been completed.
Notices of Public Rights and Publication of Annual Governance &Accountability Return (Exempt Authority) was put on the notice boards and the website.
Due to Lloyds bank having closed the local branch it is now a 50 mile round trip to go to be able to transfer funds between the accounts. An on line account had been looked into but proved to more difficult that expected. The branch at Louth advised the Parish Council to speak to Head Office to put the accounts online as all the accounts had been set up and a personal level not business.
Two of the Accounts had been held by the Parish Council for many years. New accounts were required to be opened and the money transferred across. This was in the process of being carried out with the correct signatories being put in place. A complaint had been put into the bank asking why the accounts were on a personal level and not business and why personal details had to be submitted to open an online account. 2JS
Amazon had sent details for the Parish Council to sign up to amazon smile where all purchases made could be given a 0.5% donation. The Parish Council agreed to sign up to this and notify as many people as possible to help some funds towards the playing field, although not a huge amount was expected. 3JS
Highfield Thornton Road – outline permission for 4 dwellings already given
permission. The new application is for 2 of the dwellings
to which the Parish Council had responded with
comments. The road is far too narrow and visibility is not
good, also the drainage in the village is suspect and has
not been improved for many years. The report on
the great crested newt had advised an EPSL had to be
obtained for their protection.
Church Farm Waddingham Road – application for one dwelling. Permission had
originally been given for 5 dwellings on the site.
Plot 1 on the lhs at the entrance to the site had
applied for two on half of the plot which had been
refused, however this was now reduced to one.
North End Cottage North End Lane – Appeal for two dwellings. The Parish Council
had agreed the application for one dwelling but
a second application came through for two. The
site is too small for two 4 bed roomed houses
plus garages. There is insufficient parking for
all the vehicles and the road is too narrow for
vehicles to be parked there as farm vehicles
require access. It was felt the Agent had been
too pushy through the applications trying to
force the Parish Council to agree to 2 dwellings.
On speaking to the Planning Officer about the figure for growth in the village at which the figure was already reached and one over, it was asked if the Inspector could grant permission for two dwellings. The Inspector could consider if there is sufficient support for the application and could grant.
In considering the list of properties sent through from WLDC Planning and already allocated for the village – 22 it was found that one was in North Kelsey. WLDC Planning was notified and removed from the list.
Hall Farm Park – planning permission to erect an agricultural workers dwelling
The Applicant had sent a letter of thanks to the Parish Council for supporting the applications/appeals.
Watermill Farm Moortown – Planning Application for 65 static caravans and 29
lodges including creation of lake and enlargement of
pond 2
The Parish Council had no objections to the application and believed that most of it would not be seen from the road. The site is understood to be under new management having been bought out by a large company.
A letter to be sent to WLDC Planning advising the Parish Council had no objections to the application. 4JS
Brookwood Moortown – Planning application for a single storey extension
The Parish Council had no objections to the application so a letter to be sent to WLDC advising of this. 5JS
LALC e-news – including details on the boundary reviews
Power for People
YMCA/Community Lincs Newsletter
Caistor Police Newsletter
Broxap – details on notice boards
NALC Chief Executive Bulletin
Resident - reference the supposed fly tipping on Brigg Road
Public Sector Decarbonisation programme
Government Insight – Health and Wellbeing at Work
LALC e –news
Government Insight – Women Mean Business
NALC Newsletter
Government Events – Social media training tailored to your team
NALC Chief Executive’s bulletin
Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Consultation
NALC – The Future of high streets and town centres
Edward Leigh MP – support the debate on Enabling Community Energy
The LALC e-news had been forwarded to all the Parish Councillors and the Boundary review news put on both notice boards and the website.
During lockdown there had been several reports of speeding in both villages. A response had been made to the residents who had raised this item. The local Police had been contacted to carry out speed checks in both villages. A request from one resident was for a 30mph speed limit on the Brig to Holton le Moor Road. WLDC had been contacted and would access the situation when possible.
A white transit van Reg no YR13 GXG had been seen in a farmers yard down Brigg Road and the occupants been to be taking note of what was around. When the farmer was seen the van left at a very rapid pace. The report number is 245 on 1 June 2021.
Power for People had secured a Backbench Business Debate on the supporting a debate on Enabling Community Energy. This is to able local people to have local energy. The debate was to encourage any Backbench MP to support the Bill. A letter had been sent to Edward Leigh MP asking him to support the debate
The Chief Executives bulletin had been forwarded to the Parish Councillors
The LALC e-news had been forwarded to the Parish Councillors
Any correspondence received from the resident relating to fly tipping, quad bikes etc had been forwarded to the Parish Councillors.
The NALC Newsletter had been forwarded to the Parish Councillors
The NALC Chief Executive’s bulletin had been forwarded to the Parish Councillors
The Lincolnshire Local Plan Consultation details had been forwarded to the Parish Councillors
The Parish Council had been looking into a sign to advise people there is a War Grave in the cemetery. Details had been obtained from the War Graves Commission and sent to the PCC who would have to agree and complete the paperwork
There is no cost as the WGC will supply, install and maintain the sign. Nothing had been heard back from the PCC.
The Parish Council was now in control of the new website and documents were being uploaded. The site is very different in its action from the original run by LCC.
Under new Government Legislation there were many different ways of how a document could be uploaded to enable people with impairment s to read the items with software. There is less underlining and no PDF documents to be used.
WLDC had been advised of the new website.
VACANCY – heard in closed session
The Parish Council had a vacancy due to the death of Pete Kerr.
The vacancy had been advertised through WLDC but there had been no applicants.
The Parish Council advertised the vacancy and there were two applicants who had written in with their details.
The applicants had provided responses to the questions required to be answered prior to their application being accepted. These are:-
a/ Holding any paid office or employment under that particular council
b/ The person is subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order
c/ The person has had passed on him/her during the previous 5 years a
sentence of imprisonment (whether suspended or not) for a period of
not less than 3 months
d/ Disqualification under any enactment to corrupt or illegal practises
The questions were all answered that none of these had applied to either applicant.
The applicants had been invited to come individually to the meeting so the Parish Councillors were able to discuss how they believed they would be able to help the Council for the future.
The applicants left and the Parish Councillors voted as to which applicant should be accepted. The Choice was made for the new Councillor to attend the next meeting – the APM. A letter to be sent to the unsuccessful applicant and thanking him for taking the time to apply. 6JS
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.50pm. The next meeting the APM to be held on Monday 5 July 2021 at 7.30pm in the village hall.