SKPC minutes July21
Present: Messrs: R Dinsdale, R Stimson, I Johnston, J Dennis, P Probets, S Legg,
M Glenn and Mrs R Fox
CC T Smith
Apologies: DC P Morris
The Minutes of the 23 June 2021 were read and signed by the Chairman as a true record.
Clerks Report
The new Parish Councillor had signed the Declaration of Acceptance at the APM. The Register of Members Interest form had been completed and sent to WLDC.
All Highways problems that had not be actioned been actioned by LCC Highways had been forwarded to CC Smith for him to investigate.
Lloyds Bank confirmed they were looking into the complaint made.
The Parish Council had signed up to amazon smile.
A letter had been sent to WLDC advising the Parish Council had no objections to the Planning Application at Watermill Farm.
A letter had been sent to WLDC advising the Parish Council had no objections to the Planning Application at Brookwood Moortown.
A letter had been sent to the unsuccessful applicant for the vacancy on the Parish Council.
A letter had been sent to the successful applicant for the vacancy on the Parish Council and was invited to the next meeting – the APM.
A J Williams – Grounds person Invoice - £181.03
A J Williams – Grass cutting Invoice - £181.03
A J Williams—Grass cutting Invoice -£ 399.00
SKVH – Invoice Park meeting - £ 9.75
Anglian Water – Invoice 11.91
SKVH- Invoice- £13.00
Lloyds Bank had still not completed the investigation as to why the accounts had originally been set up as Personal and why personal details were required to be put into the on line account.
The Parish Council had received a Tax Residency Self-Certification Form for Entities from Lloyds Bank. However the Parish Council does not pay tax. The form to be completed and returned to Lloyds. 1JS
Highfield Thornton Road – Planning Permission for 2 dwellings
Church Farm Waddingham Road – Planning Permission for one dwelling on half on
Plot 1. Permission had originally been given for
one dwelling on Plot 1 when the 5 dwellings were
applied for. The application for two on this plot
was refused due to the proposed increase in the
number of dwellings in South Kelsey would be
increased by more than the 10% level set out in
North End Cottage North End Lane – the result of the Appeal had not been concluded
Brookwood Moortown – Planning application for a single storey extension – Planning
Permission given
At the time of responding to Planning applications the document showing the dwellings taken into account of the 10% growth for the village had been checked against the planning application numbers. One of the permissions granted was found to be included in South Kelsey list was in fact North Kelsey and WLDC had this removed.
A resident had asked a Parish Councillor as to why a farmer with two sites with fattening cattle was able to take feed wagons between the sites. There was the thought that this should not be done due to infection such as TB. The Clerk to investigate the situation with DEFRA. 2JS
Wave – water efficiency
Caistor Neighbourhood Policing – speed checks in the area
Clerk & Councils Direct
Allotment – termination of rental
WLDC – Community Defibrillator Service
Volunteering days – LCC to give Social Volunteering days from Balfour Beatty, MSP
and Colas
Lincolnshire Police – more Neighbourhood Policing
NALC - Chief Executive’s Bulletin
Church Notice boards literature
YMCA literature
NALC -Future Communities
Glasdon – Public outdoor seating
LALC e-news
NALC – remote meetings, The future of High Streets
Local government insight – Transforming Public Sector Contact Centres
LALC e-news - Clerk/RFO vacancies
IGPP Institute – Working from home increasing isolation and loneliness
NALC Newsletter – Making Rural Housing more affordable
OpusXenta – technical solutions
NALC – Vote for the Council of the year
Resident – concerned at the speed along Thornton Road
WLDC Electoral Registration – advising of new Councillor
Residents –a request to cut back vegetation that was overhanging the footpaths, so this would enable pedestrians to walk safely.
A notice for the rental of the allotment will be displayed once the finishing date is advised.
The WLDC Community Defibrillator Service is a maintenance scheme providing battery and electrode pads at end of use item. The items will be replaced as required following device deployment, a loan device (within 24hours of deployment) until the original device is located and checked, quarterly maintenance check, online status reporting, repair or replacement to cabinet heater and lock and access to useful resources and events.
A Defibrillator Champion will be required for each unit, these being Councillor Stimson for the site in South Kelsey and Councillor Fox for Moortown. The units will be checked weekly and an online report completed.
The Parish Council believed this to be a benefit for the villages at a cost of £100 per unit. The form to be completed and returned to WLDC for the next step. 3JS
The Volunteer Service would provide free labour for schemes and the Parish Council believed this would help with the Playing field. The park group leader to be asked what should be requested from the volunteers. Each County Councillor is only able to recommend one scheme. 4JS
The Lincolnshire Police better working with Communities details had been forwarded to the Parish Councillors.
The NALC Chief Executive’s Bulletin had been sent to all the Parish Councillors.
The LALC e-news was forwarded to the Parish Councillors
The NALC Newsletter was forwarded to the Parish Council
Write to the residents who were concerned at the speed along Thornton Road and advise a reflective 30mph speed sign would be erected and the Police asked to carry out speed checks. 5 JS
The list of names of those who were interested in the high speed broadband had been contacted and it was suggested to meet with those people and the company for the way forward.
Playing field
A meeting had been held with some of the people who came forward at the APM who were interested in developing the playing field and as to what was the next step forward.
Discussions in closed session took place regarding the Clerks salary and an amicable solution was attained.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.39pm. The next meeting to be held on Monday 6 September 2021 at 7.30pm in the village hall.