SKPC Minutes September 2021










Present: Messrs: R Stimson, J Dennis, P Probets, S Legg, M Glenn and Mrs R Fox


CC T Smith


Apologies: DC P Morris

                   Parish Councillor I Johnston


Two members of the public.


The residents had complained about the state of the footpath along Thornton Road and had written to LCC Director of Highways and a copy of the letter was given to the Parish Council.  This was another item to add to the list for CC Smith.            1JS


Potholes was another problem in the area and do take time to be repaired,  CC Smith advised that there is a Matrix as to how and when the potholes were repaired depending on their size and depth – a copy to be forwarded to the Clerk.


The footpath is narrow and uneven and not suitable for prams, wheelchairs, any person with a walking disability or even anyone who is able bodied.


CC Smith advised that the list of Highways problems within South Kelsey and Moortown had been sent to Highways and a response was awaited.


It is known in the villages that there are branches, weeds encroaching onto the footpaths.  Letters had been sent to the residents where this was most affected and most had made the paths more passable. 


One resident had stated that the Parish Council should be ensuring they contacted LCC to ensure the Brandy Wharf Road was attended to.


This road is not actually within the Parish, however the Parish Council has contacted LCC and many tests have been carried out on the road.  Below the road is the old river bed and the area will require a great amount of work.  The road will be closed at the time the work is carried out and LCC are working out a date for this to take place.


Barry Truelove – Truelove Properties came to the meeting to state he was disappointed in the lack of support from the Parish Council for the development at Church Farm.  The Parish Council had not put anything in writing until it was able to view the plans proposed.  Mr Truelove stated the application for 12 houses was refused due to there being no support, but this was not required for the 5 that were given permission.


The site will take more houses and Mr Truelove had met with a WLDC Planning Officer to discuss the way forward. 


It is understood that the residents at the only dwelling on Church Farm had become irritated with the work being done on the site and had called the Police and had moved away whilst the work was being done.  They had recently returned to the dwelling.

He stated he had been accused by another resident of removing fencing without permission but had in fact put up new fencing and screening.


It was asked why affordable houses had not been built on the site and were told it was not necessary when the application for 5 houses was submitted.


All the services were now on the site and he wished for 5 more houses to be built to complete the site.  It was agreed it would be much better to complete the site and in as quicker time as possible.


The Minutes of the 26 July 2021 were read and signed by the Vice Chairman as a true record.




The Lloyds Bank Tax Residency Self Certification Form for Entities had been completed and returned to the Bank, however the Parish Council does not pay tax.


The question of why a farmer with two sites is able to use the same feed wagon between the two sites is still being looked into.    The Parish Council agreed for a letter to be sent to a Government Agency to access if this is the correct working.           2JS                         


The WLDC Community Defibrillator Service form had been completed and the Parish Council is now set up with the service.  There are two Defibrillator Champions – Councillor Fox who checks the unit at Moortown and Councillor Stimson who does the one in South Kelsey.  The units are checked regularly and reported to WLDC who will act on the units if necessary.


The suggestions to put for the use of the Volunteer Service was still awaited.


A letter had been sent to the resident on Thornton Road who were concerned with the speeding, and advising that a 30mph reflective sign was now in place and a request had been made for a speed check in the area.




A J Williams – Grounds person Invoice - £181.03

A J Williams – Grass cutting Invoice - £159.00

SKVH – Invoice Park meetings - £ 24.75

SKVH- Invoice- £9.75

WLDC - Invoice defibrillator - £133.32

Mrs J Stimson Clerk – Invoice -£843.20

HMRC - £363.20

Mrs J Stimson Expenses Invoice - £40.31


The Bank had still not responded to the complaints from the Parish Council. One complaint regarding the incorrect figure been deducted from the bank account was now complete.  A figure of £200 had been put in the deposit account with no reference of what this is for. 


The bank to be written to again asking why the first complaint raised in June was not yet completed, what the £200 into the bank account was for and also when will the mandate forms be completed and sent to the Parish Council.                                3JS




North End Cottage North End Lane – the Appeal had given permission for two

                                                             dwellings on the site


College Farm Waddingham Road – removal of 70m of hedgerow to enable the clean

                                                          out of the ditch safely to aid flood relief


The Parish Council had no detail of the importance of the hedgerow.  Write to WLDC advising of this.                                                                                                        4JS


Land off Brigg Road Moortown – Application to erect one dwelling including access

                                                        and garden


The Parish Council discussed the application and felt there were no real planning reasons as to why it should be refused.  However the residents had many concerns and were concerned as to the amount of trees and shrubbery that had been removed causing the wildlife to disappear.  The Nettleton Beck runs along side the site and although the IDB did not have any concerns about flooding the residents knew that should there be a heavy down pour the area would flood and had evidence to prove this.  The dwelling is far too large for the site and will block out the privacy for surrounding dwellings.


The Parish Council to write to WLDC with its concerns over the application.     5JS


Planning Permission Watermill Farm Station Road Moortown – Permission for 65 static caravans and 29 lodges, including the creation of a lake and enlargement of pond 2.


When the Parish Council is discussing Planning applications many considerations have to be taken into account.  An up to date list had been obtained from WLDC and this was to be put on the website.                                                                             6JS






NALC – Level up the environment through biodiversity


Land Registry – supporting customers


National Model Design Code Phase 2 Pilots –neighbourhood plan groups


LALC e-news


rta regional training agency – Covid 19 Office Training seminar


NALC – blog for Scribe accounts, young councillors awards


YMCA News bulletin


e-news update


LALC e – news


Securing the future of high streets conference


NALC – Chief Executive’s bulletin

Power for the People


NALC newsletter


Clerk & Councils Direct


Water Board – installation of new water main


Glasdon – dog waste bins


Parish News


Resident – continuation of problem with fly tipping of Brigg Road


SKVH – representative for the village hall committee


Police Newsletter


NALC – developing a nearly perfect planning future for local communities




SKVH – response to advise Councillor Stimson would continue as the Parish Council

               Representative on the village hall committee.


Neighbourhood Police – dates of Parish Council meetings and invite to attend if time





The e-news update had been forwarded to the Parish Councillors


The LALC e - news had been forwarded to the Parish Councillors.  Within this was a section on the problems Councils were having when dealing with High Street Banks.   NALC had a meeting with UK Finance and senior high street bank officials to promote its campaign for better customer service and easier systems for Councils to use.  A main problem came with bank mandates and a request was made for high street banks to simplify the mandate requirements to enable Clerks to change signatories as necessary.


The NALC Chief Executive’s bulletin included details on the percentage of Councils who had returned their Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) of which there was 97%, however it still left 276 Council yet to do so.  South Kelsey Parish Council had returned on time.

The Power for the People campaign – Local Electricity Bill was reintroduced into Parliament prior to the House of Commons rising for the summer recess.


The NALC Newsletter also included the details of the meeting with high street banks for better customer service.


The Police newsletter advised that speed checks were being carried out in all villages.


The Parish Council had previously had an open meeting in the village hall when the Police were in attendance and believed this should be arranged once more.  SKVH to be contacted once the Police had provided some dates available and request the room availability.  It is hoped there would be no charge to the Parish Council for the room as this is to benefit the whole Parish.                                                                       7JS


The NALC letter to all Members of Parliament in relation to – Developing a nearly perfect planning future for local communities was asking for more local councils to be given more powers in the future of the planning process.  




There had been a complaint by two residents to a Parish Councillor of dog fouling on Station Road Moortown.  Notices had been obtained from WLDC and put along Station Road. Unfortunately these were removed, by whom, it was not known.


A resident had written to the Parish Council and asked under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 various questions.


Why had six dog fouling notices been placed on Station Road adjacent to Flinders House, The Cats Whiskers and Oaklands on Thursday 2 September.  Data was requested on the number of complaints received and the timescale covered.


Provide information relating to other areas where complaints were received and the timescale of posting notices.


Confirmation was required of which Parish Council meeting the action of putting out the signs was agreed, who proposed, seconded and which Parish Council members were present at the time. Minuted notes would be acceptable.


When the report came of the dog fouling the Parish Councillor relayed this to the Clerk.  Dog fouling notices were ordered from WLDC and on arrival the first place these were installed on was Station Road as the Clerk was in the area.  The notices were installed by the Clerk and a Parish Councillor with no cost;


Other areas had been reported with dog fouling and notices were placed on Waddingham Road, Thornton Road and Brigg Road South Kelsey.


This was discussed during the meeting.  It was noted that these complaints and the subsequent actions had occurred during the long summer break.  It was agreed by all the Councillors present that the correct action had been taken in a timely manner.  As nothing was recorded yet, the Freedom of Information Act did not apply in this instance.  However a response would be sent to the resident, answering some of the questions, to include explaining that a copy of the recorded Minutes would be made available after the next meeting in October.


The Parish Council had also taken advice about the removal of public notices, which were WLDC property.


During the discussion it was agreed to ask WLDC to place another dog bin on Brigg Road opposite Forge Close.                                                                                  8JS




A representative from Quickline attended the meeting   The Company use the ducts of BT but if there is a fault with the system it is Quickline who deals with fault.  There is no cost to set up the service and the thought was for a meeting for all interested to attend with Quickline in attendance and sign up for the service.                     9JS




The members of the Playing field Regeneration group were coming together to make plans for the future of how to ensure the field was an area for all generations and looking to raise fund shortly.


A letter had been sent to the Chairman advising that the Parish Council would give the use of the £10k currently in a bank names South Kelsey Parish Council Charity Account to the Charity 521992 Recreation ground for the use of the park regeneration committee.


The figure to be used for the improvement, maintenance and further development of the parcel of land known as the South Kelsey Recreation Ground.


The Charity Commission had been asked to confirm when the field was set up as a charity, by whom and the trustees.  The response on this was awaited.


In Notes from the group it states the Precept would be paid to the group, however the Precept is paid to the Parish Council for all work, salaries etc.


There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.15pm.  The next meeting to be held on Monday 4 October 2021 at 7.30pm in the village hall.