SKPC Minutes October 2021
Present: Mrs R Fox, Messrs J Dennis, P Probets, S Legg, M Glenn, R Stimson,
R Dinsdale and Irwin Johnston
CC T Smith
DC P Morris
Several members of the public.
Attending the meeting were a group of residents along with the leader who were against the Egdon applications and their many extensions of time requests.
The leader of the group stated that as Egdon had not started its work on the site there was no doubt they would come back with an application with an extension of time. The leader asked for the Parish Council to support the group against these expected applications. The Parish Council had in May 2021 written to Egdon, their Agent, consultant, LCC Planning and the Leader of the group stating it would not support any future applications or extensions of time. The Leader did not believe this was the case and was advised a copy of the letter which was at hand at the meeting had stated this and a copy had been sent. The Parish Council assured that should further details be made available as to new applications and extensions of time, the group would be advised so a discussion could take place at a meeting. The Leader was asked to advise the Parish Council should they receive further details.
The couple from Moortown, who had complained about the dog fouling notices being placed on Station Road Moortown, had been invited to attend by the Parish Council. The problem of dog fouling on Station Road Moortown had been reported to a Parish Councillor, who had passed the complaints on to the Clerk who then requested dog fouling notices from WLDC to display in both Moortown and South Kelsey, where more complaints had been made.
The Moortown area had been completed first due to the Clerk and Councillor Stimson travelling through the village and the South Kelsey areas quickly followed.
An email had been sent to the Parish Council requesting further details under the F.O.I. which also included whether any costs had been incurred to the Parish Council in obtaining the notices and putting them up – There had been no cost to the Parish Council.
The two residents stated the notices were all placed near their house. They had been placed in the area the dog fouling had been reported to have occurred. However, these notices had all quickly disappeared.
At the meeting, the gentleman advised the notices placed on trees had come off in the rain. The gentleman was also insistent that the Parish Council should have checked the area to ascertain if in fact dog fouling had occurred, the couple were adamant that no dog fouling had occurred in the proximity of their property. A councillor stated that when complaints are reported by residents, it is not deemed necessary to confirm that the persons making the complaint are telling the truth. It was also asked why it hadn’t been discussed at the Parish Council meeting on the 6 September 2021 prior to putting up notices.
The report came to the Parish Council on the 4 August 2021 and a request was sent to WLDC for some dog fouling notices. As soon as these arrived, they were displayed in Moortown on 2 September 2021 as this was convenient for the Councillor and Clerk. Notices were then placed in South Kelsey in the areas that had been reported as soon as this was convenient.
Chair/Vice Chair
Proposals were put forward first and seconded for Chair – Councillor Fox and agreed, then Vice Chair – Councillor Probets and agreed.
The state of the footpath along Thornton Road had been added to the items to be followed up through CC Tom smith. Residents had attended the meeting in September to complain of the problem and had also written to LCC Highways.
A letter had been sent to the Rural Payments Agency to request the holding number of two farms, where food and manure wagons were being used for each site.
The bank had been written to regarding the first complaint asking when it would be completed and also requesting when would the mandate forms would be forthcoming.
A provisional date had been set for a Police open meeting at the village hall. The Parish Council is awaiting confirmation of the date and hoping there will be no cost as this is a benefit for the villages.
A request had been made to WLDC for a dog bin on Brigg Road opposite Forge Close.
County Councillor Smith reported on some of the Highway’s problems in the two villages. The pathway on Station Road Moortown required cutting out and this was to be assessed to see if the work was required.
The two problems drains – one on Waddingham Road and the other on Brigg Road in South Kelsey were both being investigated.
An update on the two problem pathways had not been received and the Clerk to remind CC Smith of these. 1JS
District Council Morris advised that funding for the Jubilee was being discussed and he would update the Parish Council when further details were available.
If DC Morris was unable to attend a Parish Council meeting in the future, he would send an update on what is the happening in the area.
SKVH – Invoice Park meetings - £22.75
Agreed for payment
College Farm Waddingham Road – removal of 70m of hedgerow to enable the clean
out of the ditch safely to aid flood relief
The Planning Application to remove part of the hedge did not appear to have any significant history for the area and a letter had been sent to WLDC advising of this.
Land off Brigg Road Moortown – Application to erect one dwelling including access
and garden
This Application was causing concerns amongst the local residents. Although there are no real planning reasons for refusal, Nettleton Beck at the rear of the site is known for flooding although IDB have no concerns over this. The dwelling is far too large for the site and will block out any privacy for the surrounding dwellings. A letter had been sent to WLDC advising of these concerns.
Beasthorpe Farm Thornton Road Thornton le Moor
The farm is just out of the village and comes into North Owersby Parish. The owner of the pig farm at Brandy Wharf has purchased this farm and has commenced turning the derelict poultry units into pig units. Digging of slurry pits has taken place and alterations to the structures of the buildings.
There is concern from the neighbour that no planning approval has been applied for or given. The units will be some 206 metres from the other dwelling on the site which is privately owned.
A planning permission was given for an agricultural building for grain and feed but the documents also refer to two pig fattening units.
The details of an application at Manor Farm Clixby for a fish processing plant had been forwarded through DC Peter Morris. He was asking the Parish Council to consider the application as it was causing concern for many areas around Clixby and would the Parish Council be willing to give support to Grasby against the application.
The Parish Council discussed the application and agreed to support Grasby. The smell from the plant will linger over many villages and should the application be given permission, it may return to expand the site giving even more odour. The entrance to the farm is on a bad bend and with larger vehicles being used to transport the fish to and from Grimsby, will potentially cause accidents. The fish is not for the UK market.
The updated list of considerations to be taken into account when discussing a planning application had been put on the Parish Council website.
WLDC Business Brief
Support needed for new road safety campaign
LALC e-news
LALC Annual Report 2020-2021
Church Warden – dog fouling had taken place in St Mary’s’ churchyard and the Parish
Council was asked what it is doing about the dog fouling in
the area.
Truelove Properties – response to advise it was Anglian Water who were installing the
mains to the Church Farm site.
Residents – unable to view the road when exiting from their driveway due to bins and a car, being placed in a position on the roadside to obscure the view.
NALC Newsletter
CC Smith – highways documentation on potholes
EIA Consultation
CLIP – Autumn Courses
Together tv - Green Challenge – free basil seeds
WLDC Business Brief
YMCA – News & Updates bulletin
Power for People – update on community energy
NALC – Chief Executive’s bulletin
WLDC Business Brief September 2021
LALC – e-news – Parish Clerk vacancies
Broxap – information on litter bins and street furniture
NALC Star Council awards
Truelove Properties – rubble from the road being dug up had been put against the notice board on Waddingham Road making it impossible to put any new notices on the board.
Church Warden – response to the letter re dog fouling. It is the responsibility of
everyone to report any dog fouling so the perpetrators may be
Residents – advice as to how to alleviate the problem of bins and a car being placed
so, the view to exit the driveway is clearer.
Resident - complaint of the amount of soil on the roadside by the bungalow on the
straight to Moortown. Enforcement and Environment had both been
emailed regarding the situation
The WLDC Business Brief had been put on both notice boards and the website
The details on the new road safety campaign had been forwarded to the Parish Councillors. The campaign is urging drivers to “Belt up, Hang up and Ease up”.
As the soil on the roadside was from a site where building was taking place, no action would be taken.
The LALC Annual Report 2020- 2021 was sent to all the Parish Councillors
The highways documentation on how potholes are assessed had been forwarded to all Parish Councillors.
The EIA consultation was for an area to be planted as woodland. The area would be a field on the lhs on the road to Moortown near to the bungalow where the building work is being carried out. The Parish Council discussed the possibility and agreed this would be a benefit for the village. Write to the Outreach adviser at the Woodland Trust advising this. 2JS
The WLDC Business brief had been sent to all the Parish Councillors
The YMCA News and updates bulletin had been forwarded to all the Parish Councillors
The NALC Chief Executive’s Bulletin has been forwarded to all the Parish Councillors
The WLDC Business Brief September 2021 was to be placed on the notice boards and the website 3JS
A call had been received by the Clerk from an Enforcement Officer at WLDC. He stated a message had been left with Customer Services for him to contact the Clerk due to dog fouling in the villages.
No contact had been made with WLDC; however, a conversation was had as to the problem of dog fouling in the area. The Enforcement Officer agreed to place some metal signs in areas where there were dog fouling problems. Should these notices be removed, this could be an offence.
A meeting has been arranged with a representative from WLDC who deals with the broadband roll out and a representative from Quickline.
Monday 18 October 2021 has been agreed and the hall booked. Leaflets will be printed to distribute to each household in the villages. 4JS
The notice board in South Kelsey had been waiting for a repair to one of its doors for several months and in the meantime only one half of the board is able to be used.
The company had been contacted and made a promise as to when the work would be carried out. At that time Anglian Water had dug up the road to put mains into Church Farm and piled up all the rubbish in front of the board.
Councillor Probets gave an update on the park group. A fund-raising Christmas Fair is to be held in the village hall on the 20 November 2021. The problem equipment would be removed sooner than later. In the area where there are mole tunnels the field will have to be ploughed up and reseeded, however if this is done it will attract more moles looking for worms.
A proposal had been put forward to the Highways volunteering programme for the Parish Council. However the work included was for the park group
A proposal was put forward –
If the Parish Council is successful in the bid for Highway Volunteer days, it is donated to the South Kelsey Park charity for the regeneration of the playing field
The proposal was seconded and voted on with 6 in agreement and one abstention.
As the playing field is a charity and for progression for the park group it was proposed and seconded that – The Parish Council allows members of the South Kelsey Park Group to be added to the trustees of the playing field, with a maximum of 6.
This was agreed with one abstention.
A request was to be made to the Charity Commission asking if any caveats were put in when the Charity was formed and could the Parish Council have a copy of any documentation of when the charity was formed and by whom. 5JS
Should the park group fold everything is returned to the Parish Council.
A proposal was put forward, seconded that the Parish Council donates £500 to the South Kelsey Park Christmas Fair and other fundraising activities.
This was carried with one abstention.
The group is trying to open a bank account for funds to be paid into.
It was proposed a letter of thanks be sent to the litter pickers who continually work around the village. 6JS
Councillor Probets proposed a vote of thanks to Councillor Dinsdale and Councillor Johnson for their work as Chairperson and Vice Chair.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.45pm. The next meeting to be held on Monday 1 November 2021 at 7.30pm in the village hall.