Brandy Wharf Roadworks

Re: Maintenance of College Farm Bridge, Waddingham Rd (B1205), S Kelsey, Autumn 2022


Lincolnshire County Council's intention to undertake the widening of College Farm Bridge, within your parish, as outlined below. 

Highways colleagues are also planning to reconstruct and resurface around 600m of the B1205 around Brandy Wharf Bridge, and I am planning alongside them to ensure that both their resurfacing and the bridge maintenance works are completed during the same period to minimise the associated disruption.  The attached plan shows the locations of the two schemes.  .

College Farm Bridge work has provisionally been planned for up to nine weeks in Autumn 2022.  The road resurfacing and in-situ recycling at Brandy Wharf should be completed in around two of those weeks.  The schemes will require the B1205 Waddingham Road to be fully closed throughout, with diversions signed as shown on the attached drawing.  Access arrangements for residents within the closure will be made.

Dates and timescales may be subject to change, driven by factors which include the availability of construction resources and our term maintenance contractor's progress on these and other sites.  We will of course keep you informed of any significant changes to plans as the project progresses.

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